Liminalist Investigations into Modern English Narrative

Liminalist Investigations into Modern English Narrative

Código: 259
Acronimo: LIMEN
Tipo: Grupo consolidado
Categorías: SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production
FFI Filología y Filosofía

Lineas de investigación:

La liminaridad en la literatura Narratología El canon y las literaturas populares Literatura y folklore Literatura gótica Literatura detectivesca Literatura fantástica Literatura postmodernista Literatura digital

Proyectos más relevantes:

The Madrid Gothic Seminar (UAM) Systemic Analysis of ?Marginal? Literatures (Estatal)Threshold and Text: Development of a Theory of Liminality Applicable to the Field of Literary Discourse (Estatal)The Gothic Library (UAM)The Northanger Library Project (Estatal)

Publicaciones más relevantes:

Isabel Soto 2017. ?Black Atlantic (Dis)Entanglements: Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and Spain?. Special issue of Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik: Paradigm Shifts in Black Studies. Eds.: Carsten Junker, Marie-Luise Löffler. 5: 2, pp. 203-217. Manuel Aguirre 2015. ??The Tranquillity of the Mansion?: Fields and Formulaic Diction in a Gothic Novel?, en Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 62:3, 141-56 (Southern Queensland, Australia)(DOI: 10.1080/20512856.2015.1103976 ) ( Manuel Aguirre 2014. ?Mary Robinson?s ?The Haunted Beach? and the Grammar of Gothic?, en Neophilologus, vol. 98:4, 689-704 (Amsterdam) (DOI: 10.1007/s11061-014-9389-1). Isabel Soto 2011. ??White People to Either Side?: Native Son and the Poetics of Space?. Eds. Alice M. Kraven & William E. Dow. Richard Wright: New Readings in the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Belén Piqueras (ed.) 2008. Liminal Poetics or the Aesthetics of Dissent (Madrid: The Gateway Press, 2008)

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